Video Transcription:

Armond Budish: Here’s a great listing you just have to see — bright and
shiny, clean as a whistle. It’s just beautiful. But I’m not talking about a
house or a condo. It’s Janice Carson’s smile. Janice is realtor with Howard
Hanna and is a patient of Dr. Steve Marsh, and she’s here to share why
she’s sold on the new smile Steve gave her. Thanks for joining us today.

Janice Carson: Thank you.

Armond Budish: So Janice, we’re going to start with you. Why did you
think your smile needed a renovation?

Janice Carson: I just felt that it would boost my confidence. We’re
always working to dress professionally. We deal with all of
our cosmetic looks, just like you do with a home. When you’re
looking at homes, that curb appeal, the first impression
right off the bat. And I hadn’t been happy with my smile for
several years and decided it was time for a little

Armond Budish: And you had some old crowns and old stuff in there that it
was time to change.

Janice Carson: Yeah. I did because we have traveled through 20 years. We
were in eight different locations, and I think from one
dentist to the next, their style is a little different Their
techniques are different, and so you don’t have the
continuity of having one dentist do your restoration.

Armond Budish: You’re used to dealing with people who are updating homes,
and it can be very stressful.

Janice Carson: Right. Right.

Armond Budish: How was it to update your smile?

Janice Carson: Well, there’s always a little bit of, you know,
trepidation when you first walk in and you know you’re going
to be in a dental chair for a couple of hours.

Armond Budish: Sure.

Janice Carson: However, I always felt that I was warmly received, always
respected and appreciated for being there, and that’s
important to me.

Armond Budish: It’s very important, very important. And I assume that
since you’re here and still smiling that you thought the
experience was very good.

Janice Carson: It has been very positive.

Armond Budish: Great, great. Steve, tell us what was involved in the
process with Janice’s smile.

Steve Marsh: Well, one of the things we did, we sat down around the
table and we talked to each other about what was important to
Janice. That’s very important for me to get a sense of what
she wanted to accomplish. She’s very busy, and so one of the
things she told me early on was we’ll do it sort of segment
by segment. We’ll stage it out for time and financial
reasons. She’s got to be called very often for house showings
and that sort of thing.

Armond Budish: Sure.

Steve Marsh: So we had to work within her schedule. And so, in that
light, we were able to proceed. This is Janice, and I asked
her for a big smile.

Janice Carson: Oh gee.

Steve Marsh: And that was the best smile.

Janice Carson: No smile.

Steve Marsh: And she had said to me she doesn’t smile as wide. With
this gregarious personality, that was as much as I could get
out of her because she had had some work that she said had
worn down.

And so the first thing we did just to sort of get started with Janice
is you can see she had some chipped teeth. All we did
initially, Armond, was we did some very simple reshaping,
some bonding of the upper front teeth. Over the years, this
happens to all of us as we mature.

Her lower teeth had shifted a lot. So I said, “Janice, just let us do
a little reshaping.” Part of it is also to give her that
confidence that we’re able to do what we can do. So that’s
how we started.

One of the things that bothered Janice the most in the back parts of
her mouth, and you can sort of see it, she alluded to
different dentists, different times, different materials. On
the left side, in the before picture, she had some old gold
crowns. On the right, she had some porcelain on metal with
dark lines around them.

So that was one of her main concerns. She smiles a lot and laughs a
lot and felt she showed that. And so we took those old
crowns, the gold and the other ones, and we did all porcelain
crowns that we aligned the teeth to give her a much different
smile. So we, again, did it in segments.

Armond Budish: Look at that beautiful smile now. I tell you that is

Steve Marsh: Yeah, and we as move forward, we have a little bit to move
forward to as we move on. But we’re getting rid of things in
the order that she had asked us to, to give her the beautiful
smile and make sure that she can chew and feel healthy.

Janice Carson: Right.

Armond Budish: So did it accomplish what you wanted? Do you like your
smile better now, and do you feel more self-confidence and

Janice Carson: Oh I do. I do. I feel younger.

Armond Budish: Great. Well, actually you look younger than the picture.
It’s great.

Janice Carson: You know, it’s nice when you feel that you’re looking your
best, you know, from head to toe. So it does. It adds to your

Armond Budish: Well, thank you for having the confidence to come on

Janice Carson: Thank you.

Steve Marsh: I very much like the curb appeal .

Janice Carson: That’s right.

Steve Marsh: That got me. That’s a very cute analogy.

Armond Budish: Thank you both.

Janice Carson: Thank you.

Armond Budish: If you’ve ever done any remodeling on your home, you know
the great feeling at the end. The same goes for creating a
beautiful smile as Janice has told you. To find out what
Steve can do for your smile, use the information that’s
coming up next. My thanks to Janice and Steve for joining us

Announcer: See what Dr. Steven Marsh can do for your smile by calling 440-
461-1003, or visit

Next, helping women become healthy from the inside out.