It seems like everybody’s on Zoom today, from business meetings to television shows to family gatherings. We’re all aware that others are seeing us from the neck up, leading to jokes about people wearing shirts on top and pajamas on the bottom. So if that’s the case, shouldn’t we be doing all we can to present our best facial appearance – including a great smile?

Of course we should, and that’s where “the other Zoom” comes into play. This Zoom is the dental teeth-whitening procedure, one that we’ve been doing here at ClevelandSmiles for over fifteen years. In about an hour and a half, including set-up time, the Zoom laser-like technique can get your teeth up to five shades brighter. While some of our patients do it for a special occasion, like a wedding or reunion, others understand the value of a great smile in their everyday encounters – including those taking place on their Zoom calls. And when the masks do come off, we can feel more confident in speaking to others.

So if you want to look your best, either on the internet or in person, please call Karin or Alysia to set up your appointment to whiten your teeth and enjoy smiling again. As we like to say, “Smiles are contagious, too!”