Keep Teeth Clean

It is essential that the teeth and involved areas are kept as clean as possible. This can best be accomplished through the use of warm salt-water rinses after each meal (snacks, too)! An 8 oz. glass of warm water mixed with a teaspoon of salt should do the trick; a little hydrogen peroxide in the mixture wouldn’t be a bad idea, either. The use of a soft toothbrush with or without toothpaste can be effective; warm water should be used to moisten the toothbrush.

Managing Discomfort

Some discomfort can be expected, both in the teeth and the adjacent tissues, especially where the injections were made. Some relief can best be achieved through the use of an Advil-like medication – assuming you have no allergies to this type of medication. It is generally more effective than Tylenol-like medications, as Advil and similar medications help control both pain and inflammation. It is important that it is taken before significant discomfort occurs and is taken on a fairly regular basis. We welcome any questions you might have relative to this explanation.

Gum Tissue & Swelling

Discoloration of the gum tissue adjacent to the teeth may also occur; when it does, it is generally dark in color. Once again, the use of warm salt water with a little hydrogen peroxide is an effective treatment. The tissue where the injections were placed also may discolor and swell; this is due both to the amount of anesthetic used as well as the stretching of the lips that occurs when the teeth are being prepared and impressions are being taken. This swelling usually goes down within a few hours or days. Persistent swelling must be attended to and our office contacted should this occur.


“And what about eating?” you ask. We suggest a soft diet during the time you have temporaries in your mouth. This may include foods like macaroni, eggs, oatmeal, etc. (not exactly on the low-carb diet!) Fruits may be enjoyed if placed and chewed in the back part of the mouth, in the molar areas if possible. Liquids are acceptable, though you may want to keep them at room-temperature and above. Cold liquids, and cold foods, for that matter, may make your teeth very sensitive; use your discretion as to what you can and cannot tolerate.

Crown and Veneer Temporaries

A few words about temporary crowns and/or veneers might be helpful. They are generally placed with a temporary cement or bonded with another temporary material. If they come off – one or more – you may be able to place them back on the teeth. If it will not stay, the use of a denture adhesive, like Super Poly-Grip, may be put into the restoration and the temporary replaced. In any case, our office should be called so that we may help you, over the phone or in our office. In any case, save the temporary so that it may be reused; pill containers are effective carrying cases.

Most importantly, if you have any questions or concerns regarding your treatment, please call us at the office at (440) 461-1003 or via our form. We want to make this experience as easy and pleasant for you as possible!